Annie David
Sunday School director     2024 - 2025

Welcome to the IPC Orlando Sunday School page. Sunday school plays a vital part in the development of a child's relationship to Christ and helps in building a solid foundation for life. It is a place for children, young and old, to receive Biblical Instruction. It is a place for us to sense our belonging as God's children and to grow in the knowledge of God's love. It is a place where we use and discover our gifts as we learn how to be Disciples of Jesus Christ.

We are blessed to have a team of committed teachers! Younger classes are following the Joyful Life Curriculum and older groups are taught from Bible Study Guides for all ages. The older classes are taught to apply God's truth in everyday life experiences. We want our young people to grow in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and become true disciples. The church leaders of tomorrow are being shaped in the Sunday school classes today. The vision of our ministry is: To Equip Our Children with Gods Word to Being Disciples of Jesus Christ - Making Disciples' 


Children's Church

At IPC Orlando, children are an important part of our church, and we want them to learn about Jesus. We believe children are a gift from God, and while the primary duty for spiritual upbringing is for parents, we believe the church community is there to also assist parents in raising them to love Jesus. For the same reason that Jesus gave His attention to children, we believe children grow best when supported by loving parents, mentors, and teachers.

On Sundays during worship small children (3-6 years old) attend a class where they have fun-filled worship time, led by Hannah Mathew and others. They also learn a Bible lesson and have a snack.  On the first Sunday every 3 months they attend the main sanctuary.

Additionally, our elementary age group (7-9 years old) attends worship time in the main sanctuary and then returns to class to learn the life-changing gospel and its basic truths. We also use fun video segments, lessons, and Bible stories. This group joins the adults in the main sanctuary the first Sunday of each month.

This ministry is thankful to all our volunteers. Without the help of our volunteers, we are not able to carry on this ministry.